For starters, I am just a random non-tactical dude that likes to shoot cool guns and happens to be lucky enough to be a left handed rifle shooter. In my quest to set up an AR rig that is a balance of ambidextrous but not have a bunch of weird crap on it, I have decided to put an Ambi mag release on my rifle(s). I looked at the Norgon Ambi Catch first, but thought the price was a bit steep. After I did some looking around, I found the Botach version of the Ambi Catch. It said made in the USA and looked just like the original Ambi Catch, so I purchased a few of them. After I received them I installed one on my go to Aero Precision AR. I inserted the magazine and went to release it by using the Botach Ambi mag release and nothing happened, I mean nothing. I couldn't press the button in and the magazine was stuck up in the AR like it was a part of the rifle. I ended up gently beating the shit out of it with a plastic tip hammer before it gave up and released the magazine. I tried the same Botach Ambi on my other AP lower and no surprise, the same thing happened. I even tried the other Botach Ambi that I ordered just to be sure it wasn't just a fluke, same results.
Suddenly, all the reviews that I did on the Ambi Catch's started running through my head and there was one common theme, the Norgon Ambi was hands down the only one that I saw worked every time. I contacted Norgon and to my surprise I received a lengthy personal email. I ordered 5 Norgon Ambi's and returned the Botach knock offs. After receiving them I installed them in half the time because the Norgon one's came with a real cool and simple installation tool. The Norgon Ambi-Catch worked flawlessly. Every one of them worked as if they were machined for my Aero Precision AR's. It's ironic because every piece of my AR consists high quality, well known, name brand equipment. The final piece that I decided to cheap on was an epic failure.
My lengthy review does have a point. That is, you get what you pay for. Even though a tiny piece on the AR is expensive, it is just as important to be well made as the next piece. If not, it can shut down your whole operation and render your AR as functional as a baseball bat.
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Reviewed by: (Verified Buyer) Douglas Meier from Chesapeake.
on 3/11/2020